Monday, October 27, 2008

Cane Corso - Dog Breed Profile


Key Facts:

Size: Medium - large

Height: 56 - 71 cm (22 - 28 inches)

Weight: 36 - 63.5 kg (80 - 140 lb)

Life Span: 11 years

Grooming: Undemanding

Exercise: Demanding

Feeding: Demanding

Temperament: Protective & even-tempered

Country of Origin: Italy

AKC Group: Not registered

Other Names: Sicilian Branchiero, Cane di Macellaio


The Cane Corso is loyal, intelligent, active, protective, affectionate and even-tempered. Cane Corsos are very protective of their family and make excellent watchdogs and guard dogs. They get along with children and will not pick fights with other dogs unless challenged. Cane Corsos should have an experienced owner as they can become aggressive towards strangers or other dogs if not properly trained and socialized. Cane Corsos quickly bond with their family and can become quite attached to children. Once they are fully trained they make gentle family companions and protective guard dogs.


Cane Corso's are light shedders and are low maintenance. An occasional brush is sufficient to remove the loose hairs.


These athletic dogs need plenty of regular exercise on a daily basis. They enjoy activities such as swimming, long walks, running alongside a bike or jogger and retrieving. Cane Corso's should not be left in a yard and forgotten about as they thrive on companionship and love to be included in family activities.


It is belived that the Cane Corso descended from the Roman Molossus. The historic Molossus produced two quite distinct breeds, one being massive and the other being taller and more agile. It was from the athletic offspring of the Molossus that the Cane Corso evolved. The Cane Corso was used to hunt large game and it was especially skilled at hunting wild boar. When big game hunting was on a decline these dogs were used to guard propery and livestock for Italian farmers. This breed came to America around 1987, but can still be found throughout Italy fulfilling the role of its old working duties. The Cane Corso derived it's name from the Latin word ""Cohors"" which means guardian or protector.

Physical Characteristics:

General Appearance: Powerful, agile, sturdy, compact and athletic.

Colour: Slate, black, deer fawn, light grey, plumb grey, tubby and light to dark fawn. A small white patch is allowed on the chest, nose bridge or tips of the feet.

Coat: Dense, short, stiff and shiny but not smooth. The hair is slightly longer on the withers, tail, back of thighs and the rump.

Tail: Tapering and should be docked to one third of its length.

Ears: Set high and commonly cropped to an equilateral-triangular shape. When natural the ears hang close to the head.

Body: The body is strong, compact and very muscular. The back is wide and muscular and the chest should be broad and deep. The ribs are well sprung and and descend to the elbows and the topline is straight. The loins are short, wide and solid and the belly is slightly tucked up.

Additional Comments:

Cane Corso's are not fighting dogs and will not go out looking for a fight. They were bred as working dogs for hundreds of years.

The Cane Corso demands plenty of attention and training and owners need to be prepared to make this commitment.

The Cane Corso is territorial and likes to stay close to its handler and therefore will not wander away from home.

About the author: This article provided courtesy of, for more pictures visit


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