Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Smooth Collie - Dog Breed Profile


Key Facts:

Size: Medium - large

Height: 51 - 61 cm (20 - 24 inches)

Weight: 18 - 29.5 kg (40 - 65 lb)

Life Span: 15 years

Grooming: Simple

Exercise: Medium

Feeding: Medium

Temperament: Good-natured & friendly

Country of Origin: Scotland

AKC Group: Herding


The Smooth Collie is intelligent, active, friendly and good-natured. Smooth Collies make good family companions and are obedient and easily trained. In domestic situations they show no signs of aggression and get on with people of all ages. Smooth Collies make excellent guard dogs, as they were originally bred to herd and guard sheep.


Minimal grooming is needed with the short coat of the Smooth Collie.


The Smooth Collie appears more active than that of the Rough Collie and expects more exercise. They do require daily exercise.


The Collie's ancestry goes back about 2000 years to the days of the Romans. In Northern Scotland sheep raising was an important industry during the 16th and 17th centuries. The farmers developed a distinctive type of sheep herder that we know today as the Collie. Generally it was the Rough coated Collie that was used for working with sheep.

Physical Characteristics:

General Appearance: Racy-looking, muscular and strong.

Color: Sable/white, tricolor or blue merle.

Coat: Short, hard, dense and flat hair and abundant undercoat.

Tail: Long, carried low when passive and slightly curved up when active.

Ears: Broad at the base, semi-erect with the tip folded forward.

Body: Rather long, muscular loin and deep chest.

Additional Comments:

Blue merle is more common in the Smooth Collie than in the Rough Collie.

The Smooth Collie is identical to the Rough Collie except that the coat is shorter.

About the author: This article provided courtesy of


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