Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Lesser-Known Dog Breeds

Author: Kirsten Hawkins

Have you ever seen a beagle? Sure you have. What about a basset hound? Of course! How about a Polish Owczarek Nizinny? Didn't think so. Its one of many unfamiliar breeds of dogs roaming the Earth and though it has a funny name (to Americans anyway), it is a beautiful creature. There are a great many dog breeds out there that, unless you're a dog expert, you may never have heard of. Here are a few.


The smallest dog in the family that includes pinschers and schnauzers, the Affenpinscher is a toy dog with a good demeanor. These little guys are very intelligent and trainable and make wonderful family pets. They have a dark, wiry coat and are naturally affectionate towards humans.

Anatolian Shepherd:

The Anatolian Shepherd has a large frame and is considered to be quite courageous. These are strong and loyal dogs that see a good deal of use in the United States as military and hunting dogs.


The Basenji is a medium sized muscular dog that is also known as the African Barkless Dog. They never bark, but not because they are mute; apparently they just don't want to. Basenjis were originally bred in Africa as hunting dogs. They do not naturally make good pets, but overcome their aversion to humans if they are handled consistently from an early age.

Bouvier des Flandres:

These small but sturdy dogs have the appearance of a sort of terrier. They usually have a dark rough coat and a generally calm manner. They were originally bred as herders in France and today are used in both police work and as guide dogs or assistance animals for the blind.

Central Asian Ovtcharka:

The Central Asian Ovtcharka is a large and muscular dog. It is known as loyal and fearless and has protective instincts that make it an excellent herder and watchdog. Typically they have their ears and tail docked at an early age.

Polish Owczarek Nizinny:

This guy is a medium sized shaggy dog with a long coat that covers its eyes. Loyal and devoted dogs, they make great pets as long as they won't be left alone for long periods of time since they are known to cause trouble when unsupervised for too long.

About the author: Kirsten Hawkins is a dog lover and animal expert from Nashville, TN. Visit for more information on dog health, the care of dogs, and dog travel.


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