Tuesday, April 11, 2006

How dog gates can help with your dog training

Author: Paul S

Dogs in the house need to know who is in charge and what the house rules are. Not putting rules in place can cause a lot of problems in the long term, if your dog does not know you are in charge he might think that he is in charge and this can lead to problems like the dog getting aggressive. The best way to avoid this problem is to set firm boundaries for your dog, if he can physically not do any thing he chooses, but you can, he will see that you have more access and therefore more authority in the family. There is no way for you to be in the same room as the dog all the time and if you were to go from the living room to the kitchen you could not reasonably be expected to shut the dog in the living room every time to stop him wondering off, If you did do this it might cause some separation anxiety, as the dog is unable to see through the door and does not understand why you have left him. If you have a tall indoor dog gate fitted, and they can be fitted with out leaving marks on the door or wall, then all you need do is open it walk through and close it, there is now a barrier between you and the dog, so he is unable to go into the restricted areas of the house, but the dog can see through it and the anxiety is no longer a problem

About the author: Get my free dog training ebook now from http://www.tall-internet-dog-gates.com


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