Friday, January 09, 2009

An Overview Of Dog Shows

Author: Connie Limon

Puppy classes are for Shih Tzu nine months of age and over but under twelve months. The Shih Tzu must be whelped in the U.S.A.

The Novice class is for Shih Tzu six months of age and over. The Shih Tzu must be whelped in the U.S.A. or Canada and havenot prior to the closing entries won three first prizes in the Novice Class, a first prize in Bred-by-Exhibitor, American-Bred or Open Class, nor one or more points toward a championship title.

The Bred-By-Exhibitor Class is for Shih Tzu whleped in the U.S.A. which are six months of age and over, not champions and who ar owned wholly or in part by the person or the spouse of the person who was the breeder or one of the breeders of record. Shih Tzu entered into this class musdt be handled by an owner or by a member of the immediate family of an owner.

The American-Bred class is for all Shih Tzu except champions six months of age or over, whelped in the U.S.A. by reason of a mating that took place in the U.S.A.

The Open class is for any Shih Tzu six months of age or over, except in a member specialty club show held for only American-Bred Shih Tzu in which case the class is for American-Bred Shih Tzu only.

Winners Dog and Winners Bitch: After the above classes have been judged, the first place winning Shih Tzu are required to compete in the ring. The male Shih Tzu judged ""Winners Dog"" is awared the points toward his championship title.

Reserve Winners are selected immediately after the Winners dog. In case of a disqualification of a win by the AKC, the Reserve Dog (male Shih Tzu) movers up to Winners and receives the points. After the male Shih Tzu classes are judged, the bitch Shih Tzu classes are called.

Best of Breed or Best of Variety Competition is limited to Champions of Record or Shih Tzu dogs (with newly acquired points, for a 90-day period prior to AKC confirmation) which have completed championship requirements, and the Winners Dog Shih Tzu and Winners Bitch Shih Tzu (or the dog award Winners if only one Winners prize has been awarded), together with any undefeated dogs which have been shown only in non-regular classes; all compete for Best of Breed or Best of Variety (if the bred is divided by size, color, texture or length of coat hair, etc.).

If your Shih Tzu wins his class, the rule states: You are required to enter classes for Winners, Best of Breed and Best of Winners (no additional entry fees).

About the author: Connie Limon is a Shih Tzu breeder. She publishes a FREE weekly newsletter. A professional newsletter with a focus upon health and wellness for you and your pets. Discounts are offered to subscribers. Sign up at:


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