Saturday, November 15, 2008

Bouvier Des Flanders - Dog Breed Profile


Key Facts:

Size: Large

Height: 59 - 68 cm (23 - 27 inches)

Weight: 27 - 40 kg (59 - 88 lb)

Life Span: 13 years

Grooming: Fairly demanding

Exercise: Medium

Feeding: Medium

Temperament: Calm & sensible

Country of Origin: Belgium

AKC Group: Herding


The Bouvier Des Flanders is intelligent, active, sociable and calm. Bouvier Des Flanders make excellent watchdogs and guard dogs. They are protective and can be wary of strangers. Bouvier Des Flanders get on well with children and tend to be obedient and responsive with proper training. Bouvier Des Flanders are becoming increasingly popular as house companions for those who enjoy a strong dog.


Only periodic brushing is required with occasional trimming. If Bouvier Des Flanders are being shown, then the coat is normally stripped by hand.


The Bouvier Des Flanders needs regular exercise.


Like many of the Belgium farm dogs, the Bouvier Des Flanders was called on to do many jobs, from cattle droving to pulling milk carts. Because the farmers were more interested in the utilitarian purpose of their dogs, little interest was put into developing a distinctive breed type. Due to the efforts of some enthusiasts, uniformity in the breed was established in 1910. During World War 1, Bouvier Des Flanders served as messenger and ambulance dogs for their country, but the war took it's toll on the breed and they almost became extinct. With peace restored, a group of owners resuscitated their Bouviers and through their efforts, the Bouvier Des Flanders was re-established. They are now found in many parts of the world.

Physical Characteristics:

General Appearance: Compact, rugged-looking, enthusiastic with a forbidding expression.

Color: Fawn or grey - often brindle or charcoal. A white star on the chest is permissible.

Coat: Rough, crisp and dry. The length is about 6cm (2.5 in) with bushy eyebrows, moustache and beard. The undercoat is a mass of fluffy fine hairs.

Tail: Set high, carried up and docked to about 10cm.

Ears: Set high, very flexible and hanging. Within some countries where cropping is permitted, the ears are triangular and carried erect.

Body: Strong, squarish with a broad back. The shoulders are long, muscular and slightly sloping.

Additional Comments:

Bouvier Des Flanders are solid and stable dogs. That, combined with their size and forbidding expressing, has encouraged several police forces to train them for service.

Despite the stern expression of the Bouvier Des Flanders, they are very amiable dogs unless provoked.

About the author: This article provided courtesy of


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