Sunday, September 07, 2008

Dog Training

Author: Paul

Dog Training: Resolving Problems

Consistent dog training commands are essential. The best-behaved dog is one that has had an owner who knows what they are doing. Some behavior problems are due to the type of breed you are dealing with; however, most behavior problems can be overcome if you know how. The dog training process takes time, patience, and ongoing affection.

Dog training problems occur due to the dog's unwillingness to learn. No matter how hard you try to enforce a training regimen, your dog rebels with a poor attitude. How can you stop this attitude problem? By addressing the poor behavior, it happens, as you would with a child.

Simply training your dog when they are young you are reinforcing good behavior. A dog learns early how they are expected to act before any bad habits are formed. Now to train an older dog means that you have to break his bad habits.

Here are some suggestions: 1. Examine your behavior before pouncing on your dog. Sometimes your approach is making the command hard to follow. Dogs are sensitive creatures and need love and affection. Yelling a command out or having a harsh tone will get you no-where. 2. Evaluate the mood of the atmosphere when training. If there are distractions, it will be difficult to train your dog. Remove the distractions and start over. 3. Don't give up. Sure you may just want to throw in the towel after the first few problems. Instead, consult your veterinarian or an expert breeder. Even the human society offers solutions to prevent you giving up the dog.

These are just three simple steps you can take to resolve what appears to be a training problem with your dog. Remember, dog training takes commitment, time, and affection. Dogs are breed to be our companions and they need you.

About the author: Dog Lover


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