Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Dog Training Help - Why does my dog whine and bark excessively?

Author: Paul Schmitt

Proactive owners are great at seeking out dog training help. When a problem arises, you should immediately respond. Just like with children, poor behavior is a sign of a more serious problem. Helping your dog through the training process requires you to be aware of the differences between bad and acceptable behavior.

Dogs that suffer from emotional disorders tend to whine and bark more. Veterinarians say, ""Leaving your dog alone longer than 10-hours a day, will result in a poorly behaved animal"". The dog actually suffers from a 'separation disorder'.

A dog that whines excessively, even when you are home, is suffering. He wants attention or he is afraid of something. In older dogs, this is often a sign that their hearing is going. The dog is whines for no apparent reason and is always at your heals.

Excessive barking on the other hand is the owner's fault. For instance, if you have a sliding glass patio door and your dog continuously barks because of what he thinks is going on outside and you react by letting him out every time, you are reinforcing bad behavior. Instead, ignore him and say nothing. In a few days, he will learn that his barking has no immediate reaction and the barking will lesson.

It takes time to train your dog and it takes even more time to stop a bad habit. Keep in mind, a bad habit may be a signal of something more serious going on. With older dogs, this is especially true.

Seeking dog training help early on is the best thing you can do. Once you understand that some of your dog's behavior problems are do to how you reward him or how you react to him, the two of you can move toward a better master and dog relationship.

About the author: Paul likes to explore and experience many kinds of interest. I enjoy watching movies, reading books and pets. I have a couple dogs that I enjoy very much. I trained them myself. You can find more information on dog training, visit http://dog-training-help.blogspot.com/ I enjoy writing on many topics that can help people out.


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