Monday, June 23, 2008

Great Pyrenees - Dog Breed Profile


Key Facts:

Size: Giant

Height: Dogs minimum: 70 cm (28 in)

Bitches minimum: 65 cm (26 in). Most greatly exceed these figures.

Weight: Dogs minimum: 50 kg (110 lb)

Bitches minimum: 41 kg (90 lb)

Life Span: 11 years

Grooming: Demanding

Exercise: Medium

Feeding: Demanding

Temperament: Confident & protective

Country of Origin: France

AKC Group: Working

Other Names: Pyrenean Mountain Dog, Chien de Montagne des Pyrénées


The Great Pyrenees is affectionate, loyal and protective. The Great Pyrenees generally gets along with children and household pets. They can be aggressive towards other dogs that they perceive to be a threat, but accept smaller dogs without any problems. Great Pyrenees are protective of their family and are wary of strangers. They make excellent guard dogs. This breed is reasonably independent and can be stubborn if they are not properly trained early on. Great Pyrenees should be taught everything they can and can't do while still a puppy as once they are fully grown they are far to strong and independent without that correct training.


The Great Pyrenees sheds a lot of hair and should be brushed daily to remove the loose hairs. The coat tends to shed profusely during spring time.


These dogs need a reasonable amount of exercise and are not suited for urban living. They enjoy having a large space in which to roam freely and should be taken for regular, long walks. Great Pyrenees are steady-moving dogs that tend to move at a dignified ambled pace.


The Great Pyrenees needs plenty of food for it's large size and can be expensive to raise.


The Great Pyrenees descended from the Asian Mastiff Family and its ancestry goes back thousands of years. It is believed that they arrived in Europe in the 1st century BC and they then made their way northwards to the Pyrenean Mountains. These dogs were valued for their ability to defend herds from wolves and other predators. In the 1400s French writers wrote that these dogs were so invaluable as guard dogs that the King Louis XIV adopted them as the Royal Dog of France.

Physical Characteristics:

General Appearance: Massive, solid and strong.

Color: White or white with badger, grey or tan patches on the head, ears and spots on the body.

Coat: The outer coat is coarse, thick, long and straight or slightly wavy. The under coat is profuse and fine.

Tail: Long, plumed, tapering and with a slightly curled tip.

Ears: Small, triangular with rounded tips and lying flat against the head.

Body: The body is powerful and long with a broad, level back. The croup is sloping and the chest is broad.

Additional Comments:

Like all other large breeds, the Great Pyrenees should not be over-exercised while going through the growth stage to avoid injury to bones and muscles. Their nutrition should also be watched carefully to ensure they receive all the necessary vitamins for a healthy development.

An identifying characteristic of this breed are it's double dewclaws on the hindlegs. These help the Great Pyrenees in snow-covered terrain.

About the author: This article provided courtesy of, for more pictures visit


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