How to Make Your Dog Happy - Five Great Tips
Author: Neil Whiteland
A happy dog makes a superb companion. And by making your dog happy it can not only help strengthen the bond you have with your dog but can also be of benefit to you both. Here are five ways that can help to make your dog happy.
1. Special Playing Time. Just as we enjoy our own recreational treats, dogs enjoy them too. Dogs like play and, by playing and having fun with your dog, it will not only help the rapport and understanding you have but can also benefit your dog physically and mentally. Much depends on the type of dog you have as to what you play but discover games and activities you both enjoy and set time aside for sharing and enjoying. Possible games could include hide and seek, fetch or playing ball. Also, you can add to the fun by combining a playing session with a trip out. Dogs do enjoy going and getting out and again a change of scene can do you both good.
2. Treats. Dogs like treats and you could find it helpful to have some dog toys that are just brought out as a treat and special occasions. These could be toys you feel your dog would particularly value and, by bringing them out occasionally, your dog will appreciate their specialness. However, at the end of a playing session, do make sure these toys go away. This not only reinforces in your dog's mind that you are in control but emphasizes the value of these particular toys and with your dog appreciating the chance to use and enjoy them. Playing with special toys helps your dog feel special too.
3. Acknowledge and reward good behavior. Dogs enjoy praise and when your dog has done well, such as responding to training instructions, helped you in some way or behaving well when you are talking to someone, show your pleasure perhaps by giving your dog a few dog biscuits you have handy. However by indicating to your dog you are pleased and rewarding your dog accordingly you will be encouraging your dog to behave in like manner again and, when your dog knows it has done well, it too will be all the happier.
4. Give your dog attention. In addition to spending and enjoying time with your dog, show you care by grooming and giving your dog attention. Dogs not only enjoy the added attention and pleasures - and sometimes cuddles - that come with grooming but it has other benefits too. Grooming allows you to check your dog's general condition as well as help with your dog's general hygiene and well-being. Brushing your dog's coat can, for instance, help prevent skin disease, allow you to sort out tangles and make your dog more presentable. Similarly brushing your dog's teeth can help prevent gum disease, tooth loss as well as help combat bad breath. Also, do keep your dog's eating area clean, giving good food and particularly replenishing your dog's water bowl. Just as it is essential for us to drink often, it too is important for your dog - and with fresh water. Show you care - and your time and attention will be rewarded with a healthier and happier dog.
5. Dogs like to be active and valued and so give your dog a purpose. Train your dog to get the post, to carry something or give your dog new tricks to master. By giving your dog something to do it will help to give your dog a sense of achievement and worth. And when your dog has done what you want, give praise and appreciation and perhaps a treat. Also, if your dog is left alone for any length of time, leave out something to keep your dog occupied. In this an activity toy filled with something tasty could be especially appreciated. Boredom can lead to problems so do give your dog something to do or chew on. We all like to be valued and dogs are no exception. Value your dog and you will help make your dog feel special - and happy.
About the author: By Neil Whiteland. For some great dog training advice visit For more dog tips visit Neil's blog at http://www.Great-Dog-Tips.
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