Friday, April 11, 2008

Mexican Hairless - Dog Breed Profile


Key Facts:

Size: Three sizes - toy, miniature & standard

Height: Toy: 28 - 31 cm (11 - 12 in)

Miniature: 30 - 38 cm (12 - 15 inches)

Standard: 41 - 57 cm (16 - 22.5 in)

Weight: Toy: 4 - 8 kg ( 9 - 18 lb)

Miniature: 6 - 10 kg (13 - 22 lb)

Standard: 9 - 14 kg (20 - 31 lb)

Life Span: Up to 15 years

Grooming: Minimal

Exercise: Undemanding

Feeding: Undemanding

Temperament: Calm & fearless

Country of Origin: Mexico

AKC Group: Not registered

Other Names: Xoloitzcuintli, Tepeizeuintli, Xoloitzcuintle, Xolo


The Mexican Hairless is affectionate, peaceful, noble, intelligent, brave and adaptable. The Mexican Hairless generally gets along with other dogs, household pets and children. They are affectionate with their owner and family and are not difficult to train. Mexican Hairless dogs can be rather reserved with strangers and make good watchdogs, as they only bark when necessary and will always alert their owner of company or danger. The Mexican Hairless is adaptable to all styles of living as it comes in all sizes, but they should be kept as housepets regardless of whether they are living in town or the country.


The Mexican Hairless needs to have it's skin protected from the sun and should have sunscreen applied when being exposed to the sun for extended periods of time. It is also important that the skin is kept supple and smooth and prevented from becoming dry. This can be achieved with special exfoliating creams, lotions or oils (intended for human use) and these dogs should be bathed with a gentle soap. The advantage with Mexican Hairless dogs is that they don't shed hair and have no fleas or dog odour. They are an ideal breed for an allergy sufferer.


The Mexican Hairless does not need a great deal of exercise and these dogs are happy playing and romping in the garden. They enjoy being taken for walks or going with their family/owner on an outing.


It is believed that this breed existed in Mexico during the time of the Spanish Conquest, in the early 1500s. It is presumed that these dogs were introduced to Central and South America by Spanish Traders. It is unclear whether the Miniature version arrived in Mexico at the same time as the Standard, or whether it was bred down in size after the arrival of the Standard variety. The Toy Mexican Hairless was the result of a breeding programme initiated by the Mexican Kennel Club in the 1950s.

Physical Characteristics:

General Appearance: Peculiar, hairless and alert.

Color: Dark charcoal, slate, reddish grey, liver, or bronze colors are preferred. Pink or coffee colored spots are permitted. The puppies are born with pink skin and change to a solid color by 1 year.

Coat: Two types: (1) coated and (2) hairless. The hairless type has a tuft of short, thin hair on the head and nape, feet and tail tip. The coated type (powderpuff) is covered with a fine downy coat.

Tail: Set low, long, thin, tapering and with some bristly hair. It is carried high when in action but never curled over the back. At rest it hangs down and ends in a slight hook.

Ears: Large, erect, long and reminiscent of ""bat"" ears.

Body: The body is symmetrical and the topline is level with a broad chest and well-sprung ribs.

Additional Comments:

* The Mexican Hairless comes in two types (coated or hairless) and in three sizes (toy, miniature and standard). Coated and hairless puppies can be born within the same litter, with about one in three puppies coated with fur. The puppies are born with pink skin and resemble piglets.

* The Mexican Hairless is an extremely rare and special breed, which could do with more enthusiasts to prevent this breed from dying out.

* Mexican Hairless Dogs are natural vegetarians, but convert to a meat diet quite easily.

* These hairless dogs have fragile skin which needs to be protected from the sun, lacerations and dryness. They feel the cold and should have a coat for warmth during winter or cold weather.

About the author: This article provided courtesy of


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