Sunday, April 27, 2008

Italian Greyhound - Dog Breed Profile


Key Facts:

Size: Small

Height: 32 - 38 cm (13 - 15 inches)

Weight: Ideally 2.7 - 3.6 kg (6 - 8 lb), but up to 4.5 kg (10 lb)

Life Span: 15 years

Grooming: Easy

Exercise: Undemanding

Feeding: Undemanding

Temperament: Intelligent & loving

Country of Origin: Italy/Egypt

AKC Group: Toy

Other Names: Piccolo Levrieri Italiani


The Italian Greyhound is lively, intelligent and affectionate. Italian Greyhounds have fine bones which are fairly easy to break, therefore they are not recommended for small children who may treat them as a toy. Italian Greyhounds get on well with other dogs and cats and are not difficult to train. They are ideal family dogs with their loving, devoted nature and lack of yappiness.


Italian Greyhounds need little grooming, it is usually sufficient to wipe the coat with a cloth for it to look shiny and healthy. The teeth need to be checked regularly as tartar is common in these dogs. Giving them bones helps reduce tartar build-up.


Italian Greyhounds love to run freely and are very active. They are adaptable and can be kept in a flat or apartment, so long as they are taken out regularly for walks.


Archaeologists have found drawings of miniature greyhounds in areas around Turkey and Greece. The popularity of the Italian Greyhound was already established in Italy during the first century AD. The popularity of this breed peaked in the 17th and 18th centuries in Europe due to its elegance, small size and sweet disposition. It has been claimed that Frederick the Great had over 50 of these Italian Greyhounds.

Physical Characteristics:

General Appearance: Graceful, fine-boned and agile.

Color: Black, blue, red, white, fawn or cream with or without white.

Coat: Fine, short and glossy. The skin is fine and supple.

Tail: Set low, tapering, delicate and carried low.

Ears: Rose-shaped, delicate, small and folded back.

Body: The length must be equal to or shorter than the height. The chest is deep and narrow and the ribs are slightly arched. The shoulders are long and sloping and the croup is tucked up. The loin is very round and blends with the topline and the croup.

Additional Comments:

* Italian Greyhounds tend to feel the cold, with their short coat and fine skin. They need to be kept in a warm environment, preferable with a blanket that they can curl up under.

About the author: This article provided courtesy of


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