Monday, March 31, 2008

Newfoundland - Dog Breed Profile


Key Facts:

Size: Giant

Height: 66 - 71 cm (26 - 28 inches)

Weight: 50 - 69 kg (110 - 150 lb)

Life Span: 9 years

Grooming: Fairly demanding

Exercise: Aquatically demanding

Feeding: Demanding

Temperament: Delightfully docile

Country of Origin: Canada

AKC Group: Working


The Newfoundland is patient, docile, gentle and affectionate. Newfoundlands make lovely family dogs and are friendly with people and animals. They are sensitive to their handlers voice and training should be conducted in a calm manner. Newfoundlands welcome strangers, other dogs and household pets happily, provided there are no evil intentions. Newfoundlands are straightforward, good-humoured and sociable dogs that should never be confined to a lonely life in a yard.


Newfoundlands need regular and thorough grooming with a brush and comb, especially around the hindquarters where the hair tangles easily. The excess hair between the pads of the feet should also be trimmed.


Newfoundlands love swimming and getting wet as their main form of exercise. They thrive on plenty of space and freedom. These dogs should not be over-exercised when young while their bones and muscles are still developing.


This breed originated in Newfoundland (off the coast of Canada). The actual evolution of this breed is rather obscure. A popular theory is that the Basque fishermen brought the Pyrenean Mountain Dogs over from France in the 17th century and crossed them with the local black Labradors. Newfoundlands were valued as water rescue dogs and for assisting fishermen with carrying lines between boats. On land they were also used as draught dogs.

Physical Characteristics:

General Appearance: Massive cuddly bear.

Color: Black, brown or black/white (Landseer). White markings on the chest or feet are permitted.

Coat: The outercoat is flat, dense, waterproof and oily and the undercoat is thick.

Tail: Fairly thick, of medium length and carried out with a slight curve at the end when active.

Ears: Small and hanging close to the head.

Body: The chest is deep and wide with powerful ribs. The back is wide and the loin is strong and muscular.

Additional Comments:

* The coat of the Newfoundland is very thick and protects them from the cold and rain, so they can happily be kept outdoors.

* The Newfoundland has webs between the toes to help them swim strongly at speed.

About the author: This article provided courtesy of


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