Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Optimize Your Dog's Health With Homemade Dog Treats

Author: Todd Jones

Homemade dog treats are an excellent way to optimize your dog's health. When you make your own homemade dog treats you have the flexibility to include ingredients that will be best for your dog. For example if your dogs coat is dull or their diet is lacking in protein you could make homemade dog treats that are filled with ingredients to combat these problems.

Dogs with dull and lifeless coats can benefit immensely from homemade dog treats that are rich in fatty acids. Omega-3 fatty acids which are found in fish oil and flaxseed is essential to your dog's health and also helps to improve your dog's coat to create a luxurious coat that shines. If your dog does not have a coat that appears healthy it may be an indication that its dietary needs are not being met with the foods that you are providing. Creating your own homemade dog treats that are rich in Omega-3 fatty acids can help you to ensure that your dog remains healthy and strong.

Homemade dog treats also provide you with the opportunity to increase your dog's protein intake. If you have reason to believe that your dog is lacking in necessary proteins, you can make your own homemade dog treats that are packed with protein. Feeding these treats to your dog should help them to meet their protein needs.

About the author: Todd runs a website where you can find all sorts of homemade dog treats . Find over 130 dog treat recipes at: http://homemade-dog-


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