Saturday, April 08, 2006

Choosing the Right Dog Tag Jewelry

Author: Alison Cole

Just as you would give a loved one a jeweled necklace, you can give your dog one too. There are jeweled collars, harnesses, hairpins, and necklaces, and jeweled dog tags. Accent your dog with that feminine touch, masculine, or just doglike piece of jewelry. They come in the shapes of hearts, fire hydrants, crosses, pirate flags, sports team logos, anagrams with your dog's initials, and more.

Every kind of jewel you can name can be incorporated into the design of your dog tag jewelry. Jet onyx, ruby, gold topaz, Swarovsky crystals, rhinestone, silver, gold, diamond, gemstones, birthstones - these are just some of the jewels that can be hung, studded, or otherwise attached to your dog tag.

Dog tag jewelry ranges in price from a few dollars to thousands of dollars. You can buy dog tag jewelry as is, or you can customize it to fit your exact taste.

You can get jewelry for a dog tag necklace, or you can buy the necklace as is. Some dog tag necklace jewelry is permanently attached, whereas others are customizable according to whim, like a charm necklace. With a charm-type dog necklace, you can suspend any number of dog tags for your little guy to wear. Bringing your dog with you to the park? Try a rhinestone pendant. Will your dog accompany you to the latest fashion party? Try a pearl necklace. The combinations are endless.

Some manufacturers even do customizable anagrams or laser-etched photos on dog tags. Order your dog's initials to be cast in a gold topaz pattern with sterling silver accents, if you like. Or send the manufacturer a treasured photograph of you and your dog together; they'll put it on your steel or silver dog tag for you for a few hundred dollars.

About the author: Dog Tags Info provides detailed information on dog ID tags, free dog tags, and custom dog tags, including gold and diamond dog tags and other dog tag jewelry. Dog Tags Info is the sister site of Pet Tags Web .


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